Taiwan Journal of Linguistics

A Diamond Open Access Journal (free to authors and readers)
ISSN: 1729-4649 (print); 1994-2559 (online)


Hui-Chi Lee
Taiwan Southern Min 'ka' and 'hoo' have been broadly investigated in the literature (e.g., Cheng et al. 1999, Lien 2002, Tsao 2005). However, very little of the previous research has focused on the interaction between these two functional words. This paper thus explores structures with a 'ka ...hoo' configuration. Through the examination of corpus data, this paper finds that 'ka... hoo' constructions are mainly separated into two constructions: ditransitive and resultative constructions. Based on the constructional approach, the ditransitive construction is found to include four construction patterns which can help differentiate verb types. In addition, the event structure account of the resultative 'ka... hoo' construction is explored. It is posited that the event telicity may change when the causative word hoo overtly occurs. The distinction between a ditransitive and resultative 'ka... hoo' construction significantly reduces the confusion in data where the 'ka... hoo' configuration is found. Key words: Taiwan Southern Min, ditransitive construction, resultative construction, causative construction


李惠琦/ 國立成功大學
台灣閩南語的「共」結構及「予」結構已有許多文獻討論,例如Cheng et al (1999)、Lien (2002)及Tsao (2005)。然而,先前並無太多文獻探討這兩個功能詞同現的結構。本文關注探討語序是「共…予」的句法結構。透過語料庫語料,本文發現「共…予」句式主要表現出「雙賓句式」及「結果句式」。本文採取構式語法理論,提出雙賓句式有四個句型,且提出相關的動詞分類。此外,本文還從事件結構的角度來探討「共…予」結果句式。本文還論證事件的終結性會影響帶致使功能「予」字的顯形出現。本文所提出的結果句式及雙賓句式的差異,幫助釐清「共…予」句式所引起的句法及語意的混淆。 關鍵詞:台灣閩南語、雙賓結構、結果結構、致使結構