Taiwan Journal of Linguistics

A Diamond Open Access Journal (free to authors and readers)
ISSN: 1729-4649 (print); 1994-2559 (online)


Ting-Chi Wei
This article reconsiders Tang’s (1998) analysis of Mandarin matrix small clauses (SC) in an attempt to get a better understanding of the structure of the Mandarin nominal predicate. It is found that the structures which the nominal predicate can take can be a bare NP or even not-so-bare projections. All the nominal predicates manifest a kind of modifier-modifiee pattern, which implements ‘modificational predication’ of the subject. Thus, the matrix SC is structurally “not-so-bare” rather than “bare”. Finally, the claim of Mandarin indefinite/definite DP as an argument, not a predicate is further strengthened in this work. Key words: nominal predicate, modifier-modifiee, modificational predication, NumP, indefinite


魏廷冀/ 國立高雄師範大學
本文重新檢視 Tang(1998)的漢語「主要小句」分析,以期更能夠掌握漢語名詞謂語的實際運作。我們發現,漢語名詞謂語的結構可以是「光棍」名詞組或者是「非光棍」之投射;所有的名詞謂語皆呈現一種「修飾語–被 修飾語」的偏正關係,並且與主語形成一種「修飾主謂關係」;整個主要小句的結構與一般句無異,是一種「非光棍」結構,而非 Tang所主張的「光棍」結構。此外本文也支持,漢語有定/無定名詞組為論元而非謂語之假 設。 關鍵詞: 名詞謂語、偏正式、修飾性謂語、數量詞組、無定名詞 台灣語言學期刊第五卷獲國科會人文學研究中心補助編輯費用