Taiwan Journal of Linguistics

A Diamond Open Access Journal (free to authors and readers)
ISSN: 1729-4649 (print); 1994-2559 (online)


Huei-Ling Lin
Resultative, descriptive, and extent constructions are three postverbal secondary predicates in Taiwanese. They all involve the use of -kah and appear similar on the surface. However, this paper proposes that the underlying structures of each of the three types of predicate show marked differences in terms of scope of modification, passivization, and word order. Resultative constructions are proposed to be complements subcategorized for by V-kah, and they are predicated of either the subject or object of the main clause. Descriptive constructions are adverbial phrases attached to V', and they modify the head verb. As for extent constructions, not exactly modifying any particular element, they denote ‘pure’ extent reading and have the structure of a clause attached to VP.


林惠玲/ 國立中正大學
臺灣話有結果、描述、程度三種動後次要謂語。此三種結構皆含有kah,並有相似的表層結構。然而,他們的深層結構在修飾範域、被動、詞序等方面皆顯示出顯著的差異。因此,本文提議結果結構為V-kah 所次類劃分的補語,他們並充當主要子句主語或賓語的述語。描述結構為附著於V'的副詞詞組,並修飾主要動詞。至於程度結構,他們並不修飾任何成分,而僅具有單純的程度語意,其結構則為附著於VP 的子句。