Taiwan Journal of Linguistics

A Diamond Open Access Journal (free to authors and readers)
ISSN: 1729-4649 (print); 1994-2559 (online)


Robert Marcelo Sevilla / The University of Hong Kong
The Sinitic ‘bare-classifier’ construction, where a noun follows a classifier without an accompanying numeral or demonstrative, demonstrates a complex interplay of syntax and semantics; associated with reference marking, the construction displays seemingly arbitrary restrictions on where it can occur and with what interpretation. This study introduces the variation of bare-classifier constructions among Xiang dialects, developing a typology of Xiang classifier constructions (drawing from typological work in Wang 2015) and formalizing this in a constraint-based OT framework. Syntactic and semantic constraints lead to the conclusion that bare-classifier constructions do not ‘mark’ reference, but rather restrict the possible referential interpretations available to the noun, while only directly marking individuation. The present paper explores bare-classifier constructions across four representative Xiang dialects: Changsha, Xiangxiang, Loudi, and Lianyuan, chosen as they represent a spectrum moving from full licensing of the bare-classifier construction in all contexts, to sole licensing of postverbal indefinites. Formalization of the observed variation following bidirectional OT syntax-semantics is shown to efficiently capture the typological trends observed.

湘語的量名結構 從類型學到形式化

Robert Marcelo Sevilla / 香港大學
漢語量名結構在名詞前面只有量詞而沒跟隨數詞或指示代詞的時候,展演一套句法與語意的複雜相互作用。此結構與指稱狀況標記相關聯,表面上對於能用在何處及何種演繹只存在任意的限制。本研究介紹湘語方言中量名結構的變化,從而推展湘語量詞結構的類型學 (套用 Wang 2015 的類型學研究),以納入制約優選理論的形式化框架。從所得句法與語意制約推論,量名結構並不標記指稱狀況,而是限制名詞的指稱詮釋可能性,同時只會直接標記度量單位。本文通過四個湘語方言作為代表︰長沙、湘鄉、婁底和漣源,展示量名結構從全部語境通用,到只能用於動詞後的無定指稱的廣闊多樣性。形式化論述兼用句法-語意雙向優選理論的制約闡釋有 效地捕捉到類型學趨勢。