Taiwan Journal of Linguistics

A Diamond Open Access Journal (free to authors and readers)
ISSN: 1729-4649 (print); 1994-2559 (online)


Miao-Ling Hsieh, Jen-i Li / National Taiwan Normal University
The two universal quantifiers, to and long, in Taiwanese Southern Min (TSM) are interchangeable when they occur with a wh-word yielding a free choice reading or with a tak-NP ‘each-NP’ (pattern 1). In sentences involving put-kuan/bo-lun ‘no matter’, only long can be used (pattern 2). Still, when the domain involves alternatives arranged on a scale, e.g., in the presence of a focus introduced by lian ‘even’, or a negative polarity item, to is considered the norm, though the combination of lian and long is sometimes attested (pattern 3). Our sentence completion survey conducted orally is set out to investigate the use of the two quantifiers in the three sentence patterns. We find there is a predominance of the long-type quantifiers in all the three sentence patterns, and the use of long and to correlates with the spearkers’ age and proficiency level of TSM. Finally, for a better understanding of the change, we compare the use of the two quantifiers in earlier Southern Min texts and modern TSM texts and discuss some potential internal/external causes for the change. Key words: universal quantifier, scale, lian sentence, historical change, Taiwan Southern Min

台灣閩南語「都」與「攏」 的分工與合併

謝妙玲、李臻儀/ 國立臺灣師範大學
台灣閩南語裡的量化副詞「攏long」和「都to」表全稱義。表任指義的疑問代詞和表個別義的「逐 NP」可以和「都to」或「攏long」合用(句型一);由「毋管」或「無論」引介的表任指的疑問詞小句,只能使用「攏long」(句型二);表級差的連字句和否定極性成分則須與「都to」合用(句型三),惟近來也出現「連」與「攏long」合用的情形。本文針對這三種句型進行調查,口述語境,並提示目標語句的前半部,讓120位受訪者完成語句,結果發現,受訪者使用「攏long」類多過於「都to」類,但受訪者之年齡和台語流利程度也與「攏long」及「都to」的使用極為相關。因此,本文最後探討從早期閩南語到現代台灣閩南語「都to」和「攏long」的消長,並提出造成此改變的內外在因素。 關鍵詞:全稱量化、級差、連字句、歷時改變、台灣閩南語