
ISSN: 1729-4649 (print); 1994-2559 (online)


Pritha Chandra, Gurmeet Kaur, Usha Udaar/ Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
本文描述及分析印度亞利安語系旁遮普語中前人未曾注意到的的作格現象。旁遮普語的非作格動詞可選擇性地將主語標記為作格。本文證明,不帶作格標記與動詞的不及物性無關,因為他們強制選擇隱含的內部論元,並且被及物輕動詞所選擇。本文藉由「依附格」的概念 (Coon 2010,2013; Coon and Preminger 2012, 2013) 來分析旁遮普語中的作格。在兩個動詞中心語之間可有選擇性的特徵繼承,在不發生特徵繼承的情形下,作格獲得了保留,因而強迫外部論元必須移出帶有賓語的動詞短語範疇。本文最後對於語法中的可選性機制整理出一些初步的觀察。 關鍵字:非作格、及物性、輕動詞、依附格、特徵繼承


Pritha Chandra, Gurmeet Kaur, Usha Udaar/ Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
In this paper, we describe and analyze the previously undocumented ergative case patterns with unergatives in the Indo-Aryan language Punjabi. More specifically, we discuss unergative verbs in the language that optionally mark their subjects with an ergative case. We demonstrate that the lack of ergative marking is not associated with the intransitivity of the verbs since they obligatorily select implicit internal arguments, and are selected by transitive light verbs. We attempt a dependent case analysis (Coon 2010, 2013; Coon and Preminger 2012, 2013) of the Punjabi ergative, with optional feature inheritance between two v heads. The ergative is withheld in cases with no feature inheritance, forcing the external argument out of the vP domain containing the object. This paper ends with some preliminary observations on the mechanisms of optionality in the grammar. Key words: unergatives, transitivity, light verbs, dependent case, feature inheritance