Taiwan Journal of Linguistics

A Diamond Open Access Journal (free to authors and readers)
ISSN: 1729-4649 (print); 1994-2559 (online)


Huei-Ling Lin/ National Chung Cheng University
In addition to denoting disposal, ka in Taiwan Southern Min has other functions such as introducing goal, source, benefactive, and adversative. Like the disposal ka-construction, the ka NP in goal/source ka constructions is semantically related to the postverbal object. Compared with the disposal ka-construction, goal/source ka-constructions sometimes require one more postverbal argument. As for benefactive/adversative ka-constructions, they differ from the other ka-constructions in that the benefactive/adversative argument is often optional. This paper discusses the non-disposal ka constructions, and it argues that Lin’s (2010) account of the disposal ka-construction can be applied to account for goal/source ka-constructions. The benefactive ka-construction and the adversative ka-construction are semantically related, and they also have the same structure. To sum up, among the four types of non-disposal ka construction, two of them (goal and source) are argued to have the same structure as that for a disposal ka-construction, and the benefactive/adversative ka-constructions have their own distinctive structure. Key words: Taiwan Southern Min, ka-construction, patient, goal, source, benefactive, adversative


林惠玲/ 國立中正大學
台灣閩南語的ka字除了引導受事者外,尚可引導標的、來源、受惠者、受害者論旨。受事者、標的、來源ka字句的ka名詞組與動後受詞語意相關。另外,與受事者ka字句相較之下,標的、來源ka字句通常除主詞外,動詞尚需二論元。而受惠者/受害者ka字句與其他ka字句不同處在於,受惠者/受害者論元常為非必要論元。本文討論的對象為非表處置意的ka字句。本文採用Lin (2010)就處置意ka字句所提出的分析法來解釋標的/來源ka字句的結構。另外,受惠與受害ka字句語意相關,並且有相同的結構。這四類非表處置意的ka字句中,兩類(標的、來源)跟表處置意ka字句有相同的結構,而受惠者/受害者ka字句則有其獨有的結構。 關鍵字:台灣閩南語、ka字句、受事者、標的、來源、受惠者、受害者