Taiwan Journal of Linguistics

A Diamond Open Access Journal (free to authors and readers)
ISSN: 1729-4649 (print); 1994-2559 (online)


Huei-Ling Lin
This paper discusses non-typical middles that involve resultative verbal compounds in Taiwan Southern Min. This paper first applies tests to prove that the patient NP before the compound in question is a subject, not a topic, and thus this compound occurs in a middle construction. Next, this paper distinguishes middles (surface unaccusatives) from another type of intransitive compound, deep unaccusatives, which alternate with causatives. The two types differ in that middles retain an implicit agent and thus are paraphrasable by their passive counterparts. Moreover, with an implied agent, middles do not allow another overt agent. As to the derivation stage, this paper proposes a mixed account. Middles are argued to be formed in syntax through verb-incorporation, de-thematization, and NP movement. Even though the implied agent is not available in syntax, it is arbitrarily interpreted at the Conceptual-Intentional interface. Key words: middle, surface unaccusative, deep unaccusative, Taiwan Southern Min


林惠玲/ 國立中正大學
本論文探討台灣閩南語中使用結果複合詞之非典型中間結構。本論文首先採用測試證明結果複合詞前之受事者名詞組為主詞非主題,因此該句型為一中間結構。接著,本論文將中間動詞(表層非賓位動詞)與另一類可與使動動詞轉換之不及物動詞(深層非賓位動詞)做進一步區分。中間動詞與深層非賓位動詞不同處在於前者包含有隱性之主事者,因此語意與被動句相似。此外,中間結構因含有隱性主事者,所以無法加入另一可見之主事者。關於衍生層面,本論文提出混合的提案。中間結構乃於句法層面經由動詞合併,去論旨化,及名詞組移位形成。即使隱性的主事者未出現於句法中,其語意可於概念─意圖介面取得。 關鍵字:中間結構、表層非賓位動詞、深層非賓位動詞、台灣閩南語